Why Choose Vericom VGS™ Surface Mount Boxes?

Published: October 10, 2023 

In the diverse landscape of connectivity accessories, the Vericom VGS™ Surface Mount Multimedia Box stands out. But what makes these boxes special, and why are they a sought-after accessory in both commercial and residential spaces?

Understanding Vericom VGS™ Surface Mount Multimedia Boxes

There are instances when spaces lack in-wall outlets or when creating one isn't feasible. In such scenarios, the Vericom VGS™ Surface Mount Multimedia Box becomes invaluable. It provides a platform to establish connectivity for data, multimedia, voice, or fiber modules directly on surfaces like walls or desks, especially in areas where traditional outlets are absent.

Why VGS™ Surface Mount Multimedia Boxes Are Essential

  1. Adaptability: These boxes offer a solution for spaces lacking in-wall outlets, ensuring connectivity isn't compromised.
  2. Safety First: By housing connections inside a box, there's a reduced risk of accidental disconnections or damage.
  3. Versatile Use: Perfect for commercial or residential cabling environments, they support all Vericom standard and multimedia keystone jack modules.

The Benefits of Vericom VGS™ Surface Mount Multimedia Boxes

Our boxes are designed with precision, offering a blend of design, functionality, and durability. They're available in both:

For those looking to offer their customers a product that combines aesthetics with practicality, Vericom VGS™ Surface Mount Multimedia Boxes are the answer. They're easy to understand, simple to install, and provide value by enhancing the overall look and safety of any space.

How To Purchase

Purchase Vericom VGS™ Surface Mount Multimedia Boxes online via the Vericom website or offline via your Vericom representative. No Vericom website account or representative? No problem! Call (865) 671-4455 or email [email protected], and our team will happily assist you.
